What coffee u prefer ? Arabica or Robusta espresso ?

January 6, 2014, 4:00 pm by: adriano


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What coffee u prefer ? Arabica or Robusta espresso ?
I'm new to the world of espresso and looking for some good espresso blends. From what I understand, a lot of espresso blends contain Robusta beans to help with Crema production. However, some roasters tout the fact that they only use Arabica beans.

Is there any justification to which way is better?

The diversity in coffee origins

The way she comes out is the one the rest of the world uses.

If we don't like the roasters or whatever, we can just leave. But I would love to see some other way. I have a few questions as well for people who don't want to try an entire batch of coffees: - Why are there so many other blends in the top ten? -

Do coffees contain any caffeine?

Well I'm not talking about the espresso kind, either. I'm talking about some of the coffee roasts).

Are there even any coffees at all that are truly espresso?

No way. They're just some blends of beans that have been processed to taste espresso. The reason you're finding such variations is because we process our coffee the same way they do theirs. So there's no reason it shouldn't taste like the roaster has done it.

There are coffee blends out there that are so strong that it might surprise you how the roaster can just make it feel right to you. Maybe the espresso was added to make the coffee blend feel good, but it was actually just added to make the coffee taste good.

There are some coffee blends where the coffee doesn't really have to be really espresso (like the coffee blend that you just read about from the previous thread) for it to taste that way.

You can have the same amount of caffeine in a coffee that will still have that feeling in your mouth like it did in the first sip. The reason you're seeing those coffees is because they're all just very strong. It's just that their strength is so different that they don't really taste very similar.

Some of them are just so strong that, when your tongue gets into them, they really start to overpower your taste buds.

So why are there so many variations of coffee beans?

The reason there's no consistency to any coffees out there is because most coffee producers want to maintain their uniqe character and sell their beans wordwide.

Just imagine - the world without competition where every coffee, wine, cheese or bread tastes in the same way.

What a boring and horrible world.

Diversity is great and gives us the true value in our lifes.

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~MOni said at March 24, 2020, 5:11 pm :

Robusta is more smooth. Arabica more acid. You need to try some blends (mixes) and decide which is better for you. Regards

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