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Taplogs from November 2014
Does tea is healthy? Does tea is a carcinogen?
Why in the shops already feel Christmas?
When will holliday? When will a solar eclipse?
What is better? Washing machine or hand wash?
Why does the color of the sky changes?
Re-Volt game from my childhood. A few words about the game Re-Volt
Mysterious forest - a forest of suicides in Japan
We want to lose weight, but the meat bites chocolate and sip Shake strawberry.
Where is the logic? Why in the sea is a lake? - Spongebob Squarepants
My cat loves to sit under the car
KFC vs McDonald - what is my choice? How often do you eat fast food?
The beauty of nature - butterflies, grass and other flowers. Do butterflies are tasty?
What came first, the egg and chicken? What do you prefer to eat chicken or the egg?
Daisy. He loves, not loves, loves ... phenomenon in fairy tales, films, serials.
Roller coaster - on the way to the top
German Shepherd
Päätien varressa
Jyrkkä lasku
"Where are you going?" Why I really like traveling and all the driving. And every bit of public transport - buses.
Church in Poland. in which the architectural style I like most churches? characteristic of the Gothic style
Fashion photos - shoes, cosmetics, etc. Quick photo and hashtag. What's the point?
The use of economy buildings - ideas to use
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