Plants room growing in pots must be replanted, because when some time start themselves in them wrong feel.
They need more land and often larger container. Earth is losing mellowness, changing its pH, some components begins missing, the other is excess. Accumulate in the sediments left by used to irrigation water and fertilizer. Sometimes land can overgrow with moss, which hinders the access of oxygen to the roots. Moving to a new pot is necessary also because of on expanding proportion to wrostu aboveground part, roots. They may roll on the bottom of the pot, leave it top, pushing down or bottom through the exhaust vent. To ensure harmonious plants growth and meet the demand for nutrients, they should be
exaggerate on average every 2-3 years.
When I overreacting? Longer and warmer days stimulate plants for intensive growth. That's why April is the best time to transfer them to new pots and exchange of land. Never attempt to surgery at rest or flowering.
Type of land
Usually we buy ready odkwaszonego mixture consisting of peat, sand and soil. However, it is note, for which the plant are designed so. mix universal, as against their name is not suitable for all species.
Transplanted step by step
A few hours before surgery plant should be watered abundantly. To remove it from the previous pot, we turn it upside down, hand holding the substrate grab the stem and unscrew the pot with root balls. If the lump does not want to eject, better to break the pot, than the damage root system. If you remove of pot notice in przesadzanej plants damaged or szczerniaBe roots, they should be cut off. Strongly entangled, however, Gently loosen the blunt ended with a stick. Subject the plant we put in the new vessel. It should be remembered, however, for that it should not be more delve into the new pot than took place in the old. When placing the plant in the container, backfilled and the ground around it gently kneading. If you require support, sticks her already at planting, while taking care to not to damage the roots.
Time that can withstand plant without water, depends on the type and of her age. New very young plants should be watered often. In contrast, plants that have fleshy leaves no water can survive very long. Plants do not should be watered daily. The best solution is check the status of the humidity and the the ground is dry, you can only water the plant. Although you have to take into the fact that what is a plant.